The Management Tip Of The Day “Develop A More Flexible Plan For Your Future”

With all the uncertainty of the pandemic and its fallout, it’s never been harder to make a long-term plan. At the same time, planning is one of the best ways to reduce your stress and anxiety about the future. Micro-planning (or breaking down your vision into smaller chunks) can help. There are six key elements of micro-planning:

1. Purpose: Identify a high-level purpose that motivates you in your professional life.

2. The Year: Make a big-picture plan for the coming year that aligns with your purpose, based on the best information you have available.

3. Quarters: At the beginning of each quarter, reassess your performance. Set specific goals to ensure that your work is still aligned with your purpose.

4. Months: Each month, take a look at your goals for the quarter and assess where you stand with them. Do you need to make any adjustments?

5. Weeks: At the start of each week, make a weekly to-do list, rather than a daily one that’s a mile long and leaves you feeling defeated when you shut down for the day.

6. Days: Finally, track your energy on a daily basis. Gathering data about your physical, mental, and emotional energy at the end of the day can give you powerful information as to how to optimize your workflow.
This tip is adapted from How to Plan Your Life When the Future Is Foggy at Best,” by Kate Northrup

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